We provide the following services for all Rentwell properties:

A dedicated property manager
As an organisation that has provided services to the Canberra community since 1929, our team prides itself on providing exceptional client services. We develop and nurture strong relationships with property owners to provide a seamless and professional experience. Through regular and clear communication, we will keep you in the loop with any maintenance or other requirements as they arise.

A thorough screening and placement process
We understand that steady and consistent rental income is of the utmost importance to all property investors. That’s why you sign a head lease with YWCA Canberra and we sub-lease to tenants, which gives you additional assurance that rent will be paid. Our skilled and experienced property managers spend the time to ensure we source the right tenant for your investment. Our rigorous application and interview process enables us to recommend the most suitable eligible applicants for your property.

Robust policies, systems and processes
Our team has access to cutting edge technology, externally accredited policies and processes and an in-house finance team. This means we can ensure we’re offering a competitive fee structure as well as providing regular reports on how your property is tracking.

Ethical and professional suppliers
As a trusted and respected not-for-profit organisation, YWCA Canberra has developed a network of ethical and responsible maintenance suppliers. Our team works closely with our regular suppliers to ensure any repairs or works carried out are of the highest standard.

Competitive fees and rental returns
Our goal is to rent your property out at a rate that meets your investment requirements as well as provides an affordable home to a Canberran in need. We work hard to ensure your property is rented by the most appropriate eligible tenant. Eligibility will be based on a range of criteria including a tenant’s income, an interview process and referee checks. We also offer deductible gift receipts to property owners for any foregone rental income (the gap between market rate and the agreed rate).

Community connections and support for tenants
While Rentwell tenants typically don’t require additional support, should they experience a significant life challenge or hardship, we will work with them to ensure they receive the help and support they need to maintain their tenancy. Our team is well networked with community services across the ACT and can provide information and soft referrals if required.
Schedule of fees
We charge a flat rate property management fee which will provide us with income to cover our costs and reinvest any retained earnings back into our affordable housing programs.
To request a full schedule of fees, please contact Rentwell@ywca-canberra.org.au.